Villa Pacifica II Senior Apartments


Villa Pacific II is an affordable, 60-apartment community for senior citizens located at on 2.25 acres at 7418/7422 Archibald Avenue in Rancho Cucamonga, CA. Being developed by C&C Development and Orange Housing, it consists of a three-story building encompassing 48 one-bedroom units and 12 two-bedroom units with elevator service. The one-bedroom units will be approximately 697 square feet and the two-bedroom units will be 954 square feet, with rents ranging from 30% to 60% area median income. Featuring stucco and stone accented architecture, the property will also include a 4,907 square-foot community room with leasing office and 11,645 square feet of common space, onsite laundry and 60 surface parking spaces.

The project will provide a secure environment for seniors and apartments incorporating design elements and building practices that reduce maintenance and utility costs, and at least one half of the units will be mobility accessible. Villa Pacific II is also designed to reduce environmental impacts with environmentally sensitive landscaping, installation of energy efficient HVAC systems, efficient water heaters and water conserving plumbing, and Energy Star appliances. The property will be fully landscaped with low maintenance and drought resistant plant materials including trees and shrubs, to provide aesthetic value, shade, and to aid in the retention of storm water runoff.

Villa Pacific II is located within close walking distance to bus stops, supermarkets, pharmacies, general retail, a public library and medical clinic. C&C purchased the site from the City of Rancho Cucamonga, and National Equity Fund is providing $6,077,251 as the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit investor. Other gap financing sources include the City of Rancho Cucamonga and the Local Initiatives Support Corporation (LISC).