Located primarily in urban areas, affordable housing developed by C&C strengthens and revitalizes neighborhoods and provides clean, secure, and livable homes. C&C’s projects integrate by vision and design with surrounding neighborhoods, resulting in pride, safety and stability within the community. To this end, C&C works closely with local officials and housing staffs to ensure the housing needs of the locality are met and maintained throughout the entitlement process. C&C views each of its developments as a fundamental partnership venture with the local government entities
and stakeholders.
Additionally, housing in urban areas plays an important role in mitigating carbon, a primary ingredient in greenhouse gas, by reducing the use of private vehicles. According to a number of studies, locating a residential development in an urban area near public transit can greatly enhance its desirability both from an affordability and sustainability viewpoint.
A report co-authored by the U.S. Green Building Council and the Joint Center for Housing Studies at Harvard University underscores the value of urban housing close to public transit. The comprehensive report states that it is imperative for our nation to improve housing affordability by focusing on location efficiency and transportation costs. According to ULI and studies by the National Research Council, compact development in urban locations nationwide could reduce vehicle miles traveled and related carbon emissions by 11 percent below the 2000 level, increasing to 18 percent by the year 2050.
C&C has demonstrated its ability to assist Cities and Redevelopment Agencies in achieving their affordable housing production goals through the:
*Innovation in design and development, especially urban infill.
* New construction of multifamily units
* The adaptive reuse of existing underutilized properties
* The rehabilitation of existing troubled multifamily properties and neighborhoods.